Friday, June 7, 2019

Blog 35: Bantham to Salcombe. East Portlemouth to Torcross. Greetings are Important.

Hello all

Firstly, thanks to Rob and Vicki for giving me a bed for the night and to Rob for driving me around over the last couple of days. Also, I'd like to say that Rob makes a very good spaghetti bolognese.
Their children Tilly and Seb were at home and were great fun and delightful. Massie was away for the night so I didn't get the chance to have a chat with her.

Vicki and I used to work together in a small team doing early intervention work with young people. My days at the Youth Offending Team were the best of my working life and a welcome relief from the child protection department that I worked in at Social Services. (a job that severely tested my mental and emotional well-being).

It's always great to get together with my old colleagues from the YOT and we have remained friends long after I stopped working there.


As I sit in my van, on the green at East Prawle, it is raining outside, which I suspect is the beginning of what is forecast for the next day of walking. Today, however I had glorious sunshine for nearly all of my walk and the scenery looked even more wonderful than because of it. The last two days have to be two of the most perfect walking days of my experience. The South Hams coastline is absolutely beautiful and although it is a little challenging at times, I found the climbs and descents were reasonable.
Today I walked through some great places including - Thurlestone, South Milton and Hope Cove. So here are a few pictures.

Burgh Island at high tide

Hope Cove

One thing that I have noticed and now am a bit obsessed with is the way that people greet each other as we pass on the path. It is not an in depth study, but I now consider myself an authority on Coast Path greetings. 
People have a reluctance to let go of the morning. This is manifested in the number of times that I have heard "good morning" or "what a beautiful morning", sometimes as late as 2.00 pm. Once it is clear that it is no longer the morning, people very rarely say "good afternoon" or "what a lovely afternoon".
As for the simple greeting of "Hello, Hi, or Alright", I have a strong preference for "Hello".
And this brings me on to "University Challenge" or "Universally Challenged" as I like to call it. 
When I watch the popular TV quiz, I need to decide which team I want to win. I have had the same method of choosing for about 25 years now.  The team that have the most hellos whilst introducing themselves are the team that I want to win.  I have noticed that "Hi" is now the most popular introduction and I'm not happy about it at all. To my horror, a new practice is creeping into the programme - students who neither say Hello or Hi but say nothing at all. They just say their name and the subject they are studying. Very arrogant!


East Portlemouth to Torcross.

What hideous weather I have had to endure today. It was hammering down for the first 3 hours of the walk. I was covered from head to foot in "waterproof" clothing and still it got through. The wind blew full into my face for most of the walk. But then as I rounded Start Point the sun came out and I got a chance to dry out a bit. 
As a result of the weather I only had the inclination to take one photo - 

Take it easy.


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